Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Static Experiment

1) What materials did we use in our experiment?

2) HYPOTHESIS: What was your hypothesis for our experiment?

3) OBSERVATION: Describe what you observed during the experiment.


1. What happened in our experiment? 
2. Why do you believe this happened?


  1. I think that Doctor King is going to comb her hair. Then put the comb on the tissue.

  2. IT happened because the static and electricity was on the comB. She used a comb and a balloon to show static electricity. I think that the paper is going to move closer to the comb.

  3. The materials were a comb, paper, and hair. My hypothesis was that she is going to lift the paper. I observed Dr. King pick up the paper with the comb. This happened because comb was like a magnet and the paper stuck to the comb. Combing her hair created static electricity.

  4. I think the comb will pick up the papers.

  5. Dr.king is comb her hair and put on the tissue. The ballon is not going to pop.

  6. I think Dr. King will pick up the tissues.

  7. The static electricity picked up the tissue.

  8. It happened because of static electricity.

  9. My hypothesis is that Dr. king is going to pick up the tissues with the comb. Dr. king used tissues, comb and her hair. Dr. King ripped a tissue into little pieces and then she combed my hair 20 times after that she was able to pick up the tissue. It happed because there was static electricity in the comb.
